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Happy Humans

Connected, backed-up, and secure

“Some of our biggest challenges in our expanding business is that in a franchised retail model like ours, we lose visibility on cost control and standardization of equipment and technologies. Catalytic has guided us through upgrading our technology at the right time giving us the group standardization we have always looked for. They have also treated all our individual franchise owners as part of a group pricing model which has given us the flexibility of group buying power. I would highly recommend Catalytic as a trusted technology partner."

CIO | Retail Group

“Our group went to market to find a partner to assist with critical interbranch communication like free interbranch PBX call transfers as well as assisting us with future planning for hospital sites. Part of our qualification criteria was also a company that could assist with critical backups and reliable transferring of information of medical files and data. Catalytic ticked all the boxes by having their own reliable data center which superseded our expectations and saved us substantial amounts of CAPEX and OPEX based on what their competitors had to offer. Thank you Catalytic for being part of the family."

IT Director | Hospital Group

“Catalytic improved our business processes by standardizing our previous multivendor procurement practices. This allowed us to leverage off of their expertise by them adding efficiencies to business-critical processes within our environment. Their proactive approach to always introducing us to new technologies has allowed us to add real and tangible profits to our bottom line. They have a deep understanding of our business and are always looking to add value by assisting us to stay up to date with new ways of improving our business."

COO | Logistics Group

“Security of our network and what our learners could and couldn’t access via the internet has been a critical exercise that we undertook when we chose our technology partner. Security monitoring with smart cameras was also a big part of what we were looking for when choosing a vendor. Catalytic not only gave us the confidence to let them manage our network but they adopted smart technology on our fiber connections that allowed us to manage network security, voice calls, offsite backs and CCTV streaming which pound for pound was better than most market related solutions and they managed to stay well within budget by not trying to over sell us unnecessary technology. We will certainly be a long-term customer as they have proven to be trusted experts in the delivery of their technology."

Headmaster | Secondary School

“Lockdown proved to be challenging for us as we were busy launching our learning portal. Catalytic assisted us in pivoting our organization into an online based institution and assisted our learners to access our learning portal free of charge. They negotiated with all the data providers and managed to facilitate our application to zero rate the data required to access our learning portal for all our learners. This allowed us to carry on functioning and providing a critical service to our learning community. Because Catalytic also manages all our fibre and mobile data they allowed for special concessions around our commercials that really allowed us to mobilize our students. We are forever grateful and want to thank the staff at Catalytic for the selfless manner in which they took our requests and treated our business as their own with urgency and purpose. Thank you for everything TEAM CATALYTIC!"

Group IT Director | Tertiary Institution

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